Moonshine has become hugely popular lately. Between the TV show Moonshiners, to Florida Georgia Line’s song “Get Your Shine On,” everyone seems to be drinking it. I’ll admit that I’m not a huge fan of straight “white lightining,” but I do enjoy the flavored shines out there. I bought a couple of jars last year as Christmas gifts, but at $25 a jar, it was a little too pricey for me to buy very many jars. This year I decided to make my own and give it out as gifts for friends and family. Between the cost of all of the ingredients and the mason jars, it breaks down to about $6 per jar. That’s something that I can get excited about!
A friend had made some peach pie moonshine for our New Year’s Eve party last year and I absolutely loved it, so I decided that was what I would make! I made my first batch this weekend and it was amazing. I adapted this recipe from one I had found online. I then made up my own little jar labels in Pic Monkey and cut them out with one of my circle cutters in my scrapbooking stash. The recipe yields about 7 quarts, so a good amount to give away and keep some for yourself:) This isn’t technically moonshine, because it is made with everclear. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on some real moonshine (not the lower proof store-bought kind), then that would make this even more authentic!
Here’s the yummy recipe below. I hope you enjoy it and that whomever you gift it to loves it as well! Remember to also drink responsibly.
p.s. You can now find my recipes for Apple Pie Moonshine here, and my Cherry Pie Moonshine here.
- 2 – 64 oz bottles white grape peach juice
- 2 – 15 oz cans sliced peaches in heavy syrup
- 2 1/2 – 3 cups granulated sugar
- 6 – 7 cinnamon sticks
- 1 750 ml bottle everclear
- 1 750 ml bottle peach schnapps
- In a large pot, bring juice, peaches w/ syrup, sugar, and cinnamon sticks to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Take out the cinnamon sticks Let cool to room temperature, then add the peach schnapps and everclear. Stir well, then pour through a strainer layered with a cheesecloth to strain out the peaches and any bits of the cinnamon sticks. Ladle into jars. Peaches can be divided between the jars. Yields 12-14 pint-sized jars and 6-7 quart-sized jars.
*This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. Click to read my full disclosure policy.
This actually answered my own problem, thank you!
How much peach schnapps and everclear do you use?
I used one 750 ml bottle of each
Has anyone tried this with more Everclear, like two bottles instead of one??
Or with peaches in light syrup. Maybe a little “thick”??
My husband and I have have added additional everclear to the peach pie moonshine recipe because he likes it a little stronger and less sweet. Total everclear = slightly more than 1 1/2 bottles (750 ml each). As far as the peaches I use, it’s usually whatever I have on hand….heavy syrup, light syrup, whatever.
Made apple pie with 2 bottles of everclear and just had to let it sit longer before drinking. Same principal. My lemondrop takes 120 days before it is ready to drink but well worth the wait.
Can you post your lemondrop recipe please?
I don’t have a lemon drop recipe, unfortunately:(
Care to share the Lemon drop recipe?? Would love to try that.
I used a liter of everclear and a liter of schnapps. It made the finished product roughly 18% alcohol (36 proof).
I put mine into quart mason jars and let sit in the fridge for 3-4 weeks. You can’t taste the alcohol but you sure feel it 🙂
How did you figure out the alcohol % ?? I’ve been using 99 Peaches schnapps (99 proof) + a 750 L of Torani ach syrup really adds the peach flavor.
It’s been so long since I tried figuring out the alcohol content, but I took into account the proof of the alcohol I was adding and the total amount of the finished product, then did the math based on equations I found online.
I should also probably add that in my state the everclear is 95% alcohol or 190 proof, so if you live in states where it is lower then your final alcohol percentage won’t match 😉
Yes i use two everytime
Hey just thought ask wen straining what size strainer do u use with the cheesecloth and u just strain into the jars or another pot then fill jars
What is the proof once it is.made?
I would say around 20%, but that is just a guess. It is definitely stronger than wine and weaker than vodka.
Thanks so much for this! I found you via #sitsblogging and this is perfect to fit the theme of a party I’m having soon. I’m responsive for drinks and it’s a country theme so it should work perfectly.
Kendra recently posted…A Perfect Rain Day
I promise you will not disappoint with this:) thanks for stopping by!
Just wanted to know what size on the peach schnapps, and everclear?
Hi Amanda. It is 750ml bottles for both!
Yes I noticed after I posted that. I am so sorry that you had to repeat yourself! It is awfully cold here in Kansas so we are coming up with inside ideas to keep us busy! lol
Thanks for replying back,
No worries! This will definitely warm you up! 😉
Hi! After this is made and put in the mason jars it doesn’t have to the refrigerated? Just stored in a cool dark place! I really want to make this for my husband but am pretty limited on fridge/freezer space!
Yes. I just stored mine in a cool/dark place (a cabinet). I just drank my last jar a week ago and I made it for New Year’s Eve. You can also cut the recipe in half if you want to make less.
how many jars will it yield with this recipe
It yields about 7 quart-sized jars.
Have about a gallon (or more) of filtered plum juice from last year in freezer. Anyone have a plum moonshine recipe. Two years ago husband did plum brandy but that took a long time and it (he) was messy.
You can try it in exchange for the peach juice and see how that works out. I’ve never done much with plums other than eat them raw, so I don’t know how strong the taste would be.
Question…you said you prepared this in January and then drank the last in March. How long do you think it will last into the year? Also, what about making this recipe with another fruit like strawberries?
I assume it would last fine throughout the year. I’ve never had it last that long:). You could certainly try making it with other fruits. I’ve tried making it with blackberries, but I need to play around with the recipe a bit more to really get a good blackberry flavor.
Hi try using blackberry brandy
I can no longer see the recipe for peach pie moonshine. Could you repost?
It’s fixed now. Thank you for bringing that to my attention!
Any recipes for pineapple
Not right now, I don’t. I like your thinking though! I may have to come up with something:)
Can you keep the peaches in the moonshine for the weeks that it is stored?
I do and it tastes great. The longest I’ve had it last is a little over 2 months. It’s usually drank fairly quickly when I make it for parties:)
So do you need to “can” it, like put in a canner and bring to a boil to seal the top to make it last a couple months? Or just twist the lids on and put in a cool dry place?
Just twist the lids on and cool. If you “can” it, you’ll burn off the alcohol
my question is can you use PINNACLE® WHIPPED® FLAVORED VODKA instead of ever clear i don’t want my alcohol flavor to be real strong. i saw a peach pie moonshine where they used this vodka instead of ever clear but i wanted to get your thoughts on this matter i want my moonshine to be really sweet and peachy.
This actually is very sweet and peachy. I actually don’t taste the everclear, which is a good and a bad thing;) You could certainly swap the everclear for the vodka. I don’t know what the exact proof of my recipe is, but it is probably around 15% or so. Not very strong.
We made it yesterday and calculated it to be 28% proof and it made 12 pints (equivalent to 6 quarts). As you said, you really can’t taste the alcohol in it. If you want a more peachy flavor, try using Welch’s peach medley instead of the white grape peach. I am not a fan of cinnamon or cloves so I left those out. We loved it!! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Thanks for doing the math for me:). This last time, I didn’t cover the lid while it simmered and I only got 12 out of it too. I thought it tasted a bit stronger, but I liked it that way;)
I left the lid on but we ate the peaches instead of putting them in the jars (lol!)
I noticed in the notes that you say you used no sugar, so I am going to leave out the sugar then?
No, I used sugar, but I used no sugar added juice. You will definitely want to add the sugar:)
Where on earth do you get White grape peach juice?
I bought mine at Walmart. It’s their Great Value brand. They also sell the Welch’s brand too:)
Walmart had the juice, thanks. The only way I could ‘improve’ on the recipe is to suggest that you have some vanilla ice cream on hand when you strain out the peaches – very decadent.
Ah ya. I’ve had is over ice cream;) So yummy!
I can’t get to your Apple pie moon shine recipe! I would love to try that o’m e! Can you help me out?
Hi Becky, give it a try again. My site received so much traffic at once that it basically shut it down. It should be working now:)
So You Don’t Need To Deal This Any Other Way Besides Screwing On Mason Jar Kids? The Alcohol Keeps Germs Away?
I have never sealed the jars after making it. You certainly can, but I haven’t had it last long enough for that to be a necessity. I usually make it for parties and as gifts. I think the longest I have had a jar is 2 months before it was drank.
Do you have to “seal” the jars after you fill them…..like boil them or anything?
I’ve never sealed them. I have had one reader do the math and she said they figured the alcohol content to be 28%. The longest I’ve had a jar before it was drank was 2 months. If you plan to keep it for a long time, you could seal it. I just never have it last long enough, as I make it for parties and such:)
Don’t try to boil the jars. The alcohol begins to boil at 173* and evaporate well below the juice boiling point. Then you just have pricey juice mix. 🙂
I wait till the pie mix has cooled to around 110* then add my booze. Jar up leaving a half inch air space in top of jar and the residual heat will draw a seal on the lids.
Why do you jar it at 110 and not room temperature. Thanks.
I let it cool to room temperature, then add the alcohol and pour it into jars. If you add the alcohol while it is still hot, it will burn it off.
This sounds so good! I love peaches, but I don’t see what size of the cans of peaches that you used, other than you listing 2 cans in the recipe. Can’t wait to try this!
Thanks, Chris
Sorry. They were the 15 oz cans:). I’ll edit the recipe tonight:)
I wouldn’t suggest trying to boil them, as once you add the alcohol it becomes flammable. This is just my opinion though, but I woukd be afraid to try it. I made Apple Pie moonshine in November of last year (quite a lot of it actually! Lol), just recently opened the last jar and it was fine! Only thing that might happen is for it to get stronger!
What is everclear?? I have never heard of it. Thanks.
You can find it in liquor stores. It’s 190proof alcohol.
You can find it in some liquor stores. It’s not always available! In NH where I live you can only get 150 proof. But surrounding states have 190 proof.
We just made 2 more batches this afternoon. I like the white grape peach juice but my hubby likes Welch’s peach medley which I buy at Dollar General. He also likes to “soup it up” a bit. We are still in the testing phases but this go round he added an additional 16 oz. of Everclear in addition to the 750 ml bottle that the recipe calls for (last time he added an additional 1 oz. per quart jar). Everyone we know that has tried it absolutely loves it!! Funny thing…my mom actually sent me this website today thinking I might like the recipe. I had to confess that I had already made it….now she wants me to bring her a jar! LOL!
P.S. Must have drank too much this evening as I didn’t even get my user name right!
Hahaha! That’s just funny!
That’s awesome! I’m glad that you like it! I’ve contemplated adding more everclear, but then I would have to drink less of it;)
strangenurse To make additions to the peach pie, you can add a bottle of blended whiskey, any cheap brand you want. It will def. add an extra kick. I’ve been doing this for several years and it will warm your heart. DRINK RESPONIBLY.
When making real moonshine we try to get rid of the water content for better alcohol percent. Therefore when we mix a fruit shine, we use straight frozen concentrate fruit juice which has most of the water content removed.
I make the apple pie moon shine all the time. All my friends love it. I make it with everclear. O can’t wait to make your peach moonshine.
I will be making the Peach pie Moonshine this week.
Brought the peach pie moonshine to a party this evening and it was definitely a big hit. Apple pie moonshine next.
That’s great, Sharon! I love hearing when other people make it!
Do you have a recipe for watermelon?? I love the apple pie and Peach Pie. Would like to try watermelon.
I don’t! But that does sound like a great recipe to try to create!
They do have carry ever clear In pa what do I use instead!
You could always use the moonshine they sell now in liquor stores, but it’s not as strong. Only 100 proof vs 190 proof.
If you know someone with military base access tge might have it there. I’m in Vegas and can only get 190 proof off the base. Its lower in the liquor stores around.
Hi, Can you tell me how you serve this beverage ?
thank you !
I serve it straight up! I like either chilled or room temperature:)
Hi Katie, thanks for the recipe, I shared it with some guys at work yesterday saying that it looked good, and they pitched in for me to make it. After Brandon tried it at home last night, he said it “Could be dangerous”. We will definitely enjoy. I’ve been enjoying checking out the rest of your website too, fun stuff! Love it!
Lol! Yes, it could definitely be dangerous. But soooo good!
I cant wait to make this for Christmas sounds great
can you use fresh peaches? we have a ton of fresh one & i am trying to figure something to do with all of them.
I can’t imagine why you couldn’t! They would probably be a great addition.
Can you use fresh peaches?
I don’t see why not!
My husband and I are planning to make this tonight. However, I am planning on doing fresh peaches so I assume I need to prepare them such as I was going to can them w the thick syrup and all and then make this recipe. Do you agree? Have you ever made this into pint jars and not quarts? If so how many did you get? Thanks can’t wait!!!
I would probably use the peaches with syrup, yes. I’ve made the. With pint jars as well. The last batch I made yielded 12 pints. I believe the time before that yielded 13 or 14 pints, but I simmered it with the lid off this last time. That probably concentrated it a bit.
I love this idea! gonna make it for christmas gifts. I have a question about the labels. yours are perfect! I would
like to make something similar. on that Pic Monkey, what do I look for? are they stickers or do you cut and glue? thanks!
I printed my design on adhesive sticker sheets and then used a round hole punch to cut the labels out.
I just recently made some labels online at vistaprint.com they have some neat premade templates that can be customized. Very good quality for a great price!
Made it last night, did not make as if canning. Just fresh peaches. I think the two I picked though were a bit too big. Turned out great I made 1/2 a batch and came up with 8 jars. One is gone already with everyone trying it.
Glad you liked it!
Do you have a recipe for Blueberry Moonshine?
I don’t, but have thought of making one. I’ll give that a try:)
OMG! I linked over from Pinterest to read your article on the HomeRight PaintStick EZ-Twist Paint Roller and Quick Painter set and now I’m gonna be making me some MOONSHINE! I’m posting this to Pinterest like so many others have and signing up to get emails. I can see in my future some Orange moonshine for Halloween, Cranberry moonshine for Thanksgiving, Pomegranate moonshine for Christmas etc. So basically, I’m gonna be experimenting a lot over the next few months! I have a dozen friends who are gonna be drafted as taste tasters and a ton of raspberry tea bags from our summer parties. So, guess my first order will be RASPBERRY MOONSHINE and I’m off to Walmart…YEE HAW!
Lol! Well I’m glad you found me!
I am making the peach pie moonshine,could i mix vodka with ever clear
You can. It will just make it a lot stronger. I’ve had a friend mix it with flavored vodka like churro flavor
How long do u let it sit before u can drink it??
I’ve drank it right away, but you can let it set as long as you like. Most people seem to prefer 2 weeks to a month.
Can someone tell me how to calculate the % alcohol per batch. Thank you so much.
I wish I could figure out an exact number. I would say somewhere around 30%
What is the purpose of straining the peaches after simmering if you are going to add them back into the jars? Is that step necessary?
Straining everything removes any bits of of the cinnamon sticks that may come apart during the simmering process. Depending on the types of cinnamon sticks you use, this could happen. You don’t necessarily have to do it though.
Do you have the recipe for the apple pie moonshine? I would love to try it out.
Hi Ronna, here’s the link for the apple pie moonshine. Have a great weekend!
Hi when I make this if I use less sugar will it be stronger, my husband’s co- workers like it strong.
No, it won’t make it stronger. Adding either more everclear or peach schnaps will help you with that:)
We made the apple pie moonshine, had to add a bit more apple juice and strained it several times to get it to “perfection”. They turned out great and I think they will be my new extra Christmas gifts. Thanks so much 🙂
So glad you liked it Ronna! Im going to be making some batches this week for Christmas too:)
By any chance have you made raspberry pie? Trying to find a recipe. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I haven’t. I tried making blueberry and it just didn’t turn out as good as I would have liked.
This recipe sounds delicious, but I have a few questions…
1. Do you actually seal the jars or just cap them?
2. What is the shelf-life of the final product?
3. Is it better consumed warm or cold?
I just cap them. If you were to actually can them, you would burn off the alcohol. I don’t have a shelf life number to give you. The longest I’ve ever had any last is a few months before it was all drank. A friend had hers for a year and said it tasted great still.
Oh, and it tastes good either way:)
I substituted the sugar with blue agave and it tastes amazing so far… still cooling in my closet right now! 😀
Getting ready to try this for the first time, but, i am doubling the ingredients, and using a half gallon of everclear, and a half gallon of peach schnapps, so normally on a double up, it would be 1500ml of each this will be 1750, so this will be stronger, i will post back how it is.
How long do you let everything meld together before drinking it? I’ve seen some recipes that say to wait at least a month.
For the peach, I let it sit overnight, but it does get better with age.
I checked several recipes, and this one looked the beat by far. I couldn’t find the white grape peach juice, so I took a chance and used white can peach by Oceanspray. It turned out really good. Peaches in heavy syrup and 3 cups of sugar. I brought to a boil and simmered for an hour and a half. Reduced it to a syrup almost but after adding the ever clear and the Peach schnapps, it filled five 750 ml bottles. I did the math on the percentages of alcohol, etc. I came out with a batch that is 22% alcohol witch is 44 proof. My next batch I will add an extra half bottle of ever clear to bring it up to about 30%. It truly depends on how much you reduce it while cooking. For those that fear the everclear, really it’s not bad. It ends up very sweet and even with no shelf time it’s fantastic. I didn’t bottle with the peaches as I wanted a very clear bottle of booze. I took the peaches from the cooking and put them in a decanter along with vodka and a bit of peach snaps to make a peach infused vodka. Its taste thus far is very promising! Great recipe!
I’m so glad you liked it! Thanks for doing the math on the proof. It’s definitely hard to determine sometimes. The peach infused vodka sounds amazing!
Do u need to seal bottles with peaches inside & if so how
I just screw the lids on. I don’t boil them to seal them. There is enough alcohol that the peaches are just fine.
I suggest using closer to 2 gallons of juice if using 190 proof Everclear. Very strong stuff. This comes from making many batches of apple pie moonshine. Also peach brandy can be added to but not necessary. This should yeild over 9 Qts. Just my thoughts.
We just got a bushel of fresh peaches and I wanted to try this. I have peach cider. Can I use this in love of the white grape peach juice?
I think that would make the taste even better!
How did you make it with the fresh peaches? I have lots and think this would be a great idea to make.
I’ve never made it with fresh peaches, but I’ve had several readers who have and they loved it!
I have a gallon of Real moonshine, want to make BoilO , apple Jack and peach Jack,
So to make these just reduce recipie down to amounts say 1/2 or 1/4 of what they call for.
Any suggestions for sugar or sweetener and juice for theses smaller amounts.
I’m not sure. If you are cutting it in half or quarter, then I would do the same for the measurements of the juice and sweetener.
My buddy has been making “moonshine” for years so this is not something new.
As for alcohol, people have used several different things. Everclear, rum, vodka…it’s a matter of personal preference. (Although Everclear is the actual alcohol preferred. 190 proof if you can get it.)
I’ve made apple pie moonshine with a 750ml bottle of Everclear and added about a cup of vanilla vodka to the mix. This its Apple Pie ala Mode!
You can experiment with pretty much whatever taste variations you can imagine.
There is no “right” recipe!
As I type this I have a batch of peach heating up on the stove.
I’ve altered the base recipe by using two cups of granulated sugar and about half a cup of light brown sugar. I’ve also tossed in about a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
I’m sure it will be delicious!
Yes, there are definitely so many flavor combinations. I mixed cinnamon twist flavored vodka with my apple pie moonshine last year and it was amazing! But you definitely need to use caution when you’re mixing them together. Don’t drink too much of it;)
Can this recipe be made with fresh peaches?
Of course! I’ve had many people tell me they have used fresh peaches and love it!
Can I sub ground cimmamon
Of course! I would maybe start with half a teaspoon and add more to taste.
I made a patch last week, I’m worried about it spoiling. Are you suppose to can it to seal the pint jars. Im pretty excited about it.
No need to seal the jars. Canning them will burn off the alcohol.
So, I made this recipe this past weekend so I can give them as Christmas gifts this year. I wanted to make them a bit stronger so here is what I did. I kept everything the same except I used a 1 liter bottle of Peach Schnapps and 1 and a half bottles of Everclear… I also added an extra can of Peach Slices in Heavy Syrup. They are AMAZING… I have a hard time believing that they will last until Christmas, but I will try. Next I am going to make the Apple pie recipe. Thank you so much!
Thanks for the tips! And I totally agree. It’s hard to make them last that long;)
I have 1 quart of moon shine so how much of the stuff in recipe will I use cause I want it to be strong
One quart is close to a liter, so you could use the whole thing if you like. If you want it stronger, cut back on the juice and sugar.
I have 1 quart of moonshine and so should I cut recipe in half if I want it to be strong like it is now but have a little flavor.
You could try and then always add more juice and peaches if you need to.
I’m having trouble finding the white grape peach juice at my grocery store. Any suggestions on what I could substitute?
I’m not entirely sure. I buy mine at Walmart. I haven’t always had luck finding it at grocery stores. There’s the Welch’s brand or I buy the Walmart Great Value brand as well. Hopefully you can find it!
My husband prefers Welch’s Peach Medley to the white grape peach juice when making the peach moonshine. I buy it at Dollar General.
I also was unable to find white grape peach juice, but I DID find an apple-peach-mango juice that i used instead.
How did it turn out? I’m sure it was still delicious!
So it DID say “White Grape Peach Juice.” I’ll have to try Wal-Mart in the future, but at my local grocery store the ONLY juice with peaches in it was the “White Cran Peach Juice.” I assumed I copied the recipe down wrong and/or got that word wrong. I can say that the White Cran Peach Juice worked great. I’m assuming the “cran” is for “cranberry” but all I could taste was peach.
So that works just fine for a substitute if you can’t find the White Grape Peach Juice – substitute “White Cran Peach Juice.” It’s from Ocean Spray (naturally), but it’s clear (maybe a little peach colored – which is not the same as the color of peaches). It worked perfect for me. I’ll have to pick up some of the White Grape Peach Juice and do a side-by-side comparison. I do know that I’ve never tasted any kind of peach juice before AND didn’t even know there was such a thing.
Thanks for the enlightenment.
Lol! I honestly didn’t know there was any sort of peach juice sold in stores for the longest time, either! I’m glad you inadvertently found a substitute!
I read through all the comments, hoping to see other peoples recipes. My apple pie is pretty much like yours other than I don’t use nutmeg, going to try that with next batch. Reading trough these post is terrifying though. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD YOU EVER TRY AND CAN (BOIL) ANY LIQOUR! By trying to can liquor you are working with a potential very explosive device. Please people do your research first before any new adventure.
Do you think you can use a bottleif peach nectar and abottle of white grape juice if they do not have white grape peach juice? . Has anyone tried this using peach nectar??
I’ve never tried the nectar, but I don’t see why not.
THANK YOU!!! I would LOVE to make authentic moonshine but the way my life is set up I LOVE my freedom more. That being said Thanks for this recipe. Like many others I couldn’t find the white grape peach juice. I used white grape and some peach nectar. I also used half white and half brown sugar (ran out of white). My liqour store had 90 proof peach schnapps so I used a bottle of that in addition to the 190 proof everclear. Oh I also used a pumpkin pie spice blend I had on hand instead of cinnamon. I’m excited and so are my friends in aniticipation of the finished product. I plan to allow it to sit for a month…maybe…or at least a couple of weeks. THANKS again!!!
Found this googling, and it looked like a good recipe. Made it about a month ago and just cracked open a jar last night and it’s great!! I did add more everclear, I used a 1.75L bottle instead of the 750ml. It’s got that strong smell when you crack it open but after a month it is perfect. Almost no bite what so ever. Great Recipe! Thanks!!
So just curious, how long do you have tonwait before drinking these?
I am a bit impatient, so I actually will drink mine the next day;) A lot of people will wait a month or so, but I think it actually tastes pretty good the next day.
I’m going to make this next week, what size strainer works best and u just pour through cloth to another pot or wats best way
I put cheesecloth in a mesh strainer and it works great. Enjoy!
There is a batch of your recipe for Peach Pie Moonshine cooling on my kitchen counter as I type this. It smells wonderful! Your recipe is so easy to follow. Thank you for posting it! Since most of this will be for gifts, I plan to put the peaches and with the half of the batch of Peach Pie in jars and bottle the strained remainder in wine bottles. Some of my family and friends have a casual approach to life and others are less low-key. 🙂 I might even enter some of the jarred Peach Pie in the local County Fair. 🙂
Oh I’m so glad you like it! The wine bottle idea is a great one!
This turned out a success and is absolutely delicious! I am thinking this treat will make a great Christmas gift. 🙂
Hi! I’m making this next month so they’ll be ready for some summer events we have lined up, but I wanted to ask if you HAVE to strain the batches? You strain & then put the peaches back in the jars correct? =) So excited to make thus yumminess!
I strain them because the cinnamon sticks inevitably break apart a little bit and I don’t want those pieces ending up in the jars:)
Just a quick update…I gave bottles of peach pie as host gifts while I was travelling recently. All the recipients were delighted! It is so good my friends offered to save empty wine bottles for me for my Christmas gift batch. 🙂 I will definitely make this again. I did use raw sugar so it was slightly sweeter than I anticipated. I might cut back by 1/2 a cup and add a couple more cinnamon sticks in the next batch but that is just personal preference. My family tends to be heavy-handed with cinnamon. Your recipe is great as is and will make nice holiday gifts paired with a bottle or jar of Apple Pie Moonshine. 🙂 Again, thank you for posting this recipe.
I’m so glad you and your family are fans! I sometimes cut back on the sugar by about a 1/2 cup as well, so you’d be completely fine doing that:)
I had to come back to this site and your recipe after I made my batch. It is definitely at least 28% alcohol or 56 proof. Now this is the way I like it and my Apple Pie Moonshine I used someone else’s recipe and upped the Everclear (I actually used grain alcohol from a local distiller here in Iowa, which was same proof, but several dollars cheaper then Everclear). I don’t know if it’s just an Iowa thing or the same all across the country, but I believe Everclear used to be around 180-190 proof (90-95%). Now the strongest grain alcohol we can get in Iowa is 151 proof (Hmmm… the same as 151 Bacardi, imagine that) or 75%.
Anyway… when I mixed in all the liquor, stirred it up and then tried a sip, it was Mmm Mmm Good for me, but there are others who wouldn’t want or drink something that strong. I did notice with the Apple Pie Moonshine that it did seem to mellow with age. So I imagine after a week or two this will taste like nothing but sweet Georgia peaches on a sunny day.
I do believe I saw mention of a Cherry Pie Moonshine above. “Honey, I’ve got a new shopping list for you.”
I’ve noticed that some stores here in AZ will carry the 151 proof Everclear, but others will carry the 190 proof. I will say that I was pretty ticked off the day I brought a bottle home and didn’t notice it until after I’d poured it into the juice. After that I made sure to pay attention to the proof on the bottle.
Made this today ! Used Everclear ,99 Peaches and Vanilla Vodka !! So good and increased the alcohol level ! Bottoms up !
The February batch is now history. It was so popular as a host gift that a trip to the warehouse store for a large can or two of peaches and a large bottle of peach schnapps seems to be in my future so a double batch can be made. My family and friends thank you 🙂
Proof is 30
using 190 everclear and a 30 proof peach schnapps
Can you mix the everclear and whipped vodka?
You certainly can, though it would be pretty strong:)
I think this is best over ice. I recently had a party and instead of ice cubes I bought a bag of frozen peaches and put them in the glasses before I poured the peach moonshine. Added a little something and kept it nice and cold
I love that idea! It keeps it cool without watering it down:)
I make Apple Pie and Peach Pie, I don’t put sugar in mine. Taste great and it’s not too sweet.. I also let mine sit for 2-3 weeks, then enjoy with family and friends..
I make Apple Pie and Peach Pie, I leave out the sugar. It’s not as sweet and taste great. I also use the peaches on ice cream or make jelly.
Love this recipe, thank you for sharing. This is the second time I’ve made it. I did change out the peach schnapps for peach vodka. My husband likes it strong. 🙂
Can you put one of the cinnamon sticks in each quart jar along with the peaches? I only think it would look cool, not sure if it would affect the taste
Of course! I haven’t, only because I don’t want any bits of them falling off, but you certainly can:)
In reading this I am double checking to make sure that no refrigeration is needed? We did leave some peaches in our jars so wanted to make sure that as long as they haven’t been opened if we can put up in a dark closet until ready to use?
Yes, that is correct! I do like mine chilled, but it’s not necessary to refrigerate it.
Great recipe, I doubled the everclear to get a higher proof, but other than that I left it alone. Very good!
Can you leave the peaches in? Do you have to strain it out?
You certainly can. I strain them only because it’s easier than just trying to pick out the bits of cinnamon sticks.
I just attended a fundraiser car-show. A friend showed up with 4 jars of this amazing elixir……and now I will use the peaches in a poundcake recipe
I made this recipe for Christmas last year and gave it to our family members (the adults) for a gift. Everyone LOVED it! I kept some as a pass around for summer boat trips to the lake. It’s all gone now……………but I’m planning to make more very soon! It’s so YUMMY!
Where do you get the white grape peach juice ? Never have seen that combination in the Stores
I got mine at Walmart. It is the Great Value brand.
I have 2 peach trees and want to use fresh peaches. Is that possible with this recipe since you say to buy canned peaches with syrup?
Of course! I know several readers have mentioned that they used fresh peaches.
Do you have to refrigerate
Hi Robin,
No, you do not need to refrigerate it. I sometimes do, but that is because I like drinking it cold:)
What proof does the peach pie recipe make?
It’s been a while since I have done the math, but I know it has been addressed in the comments. I want to say it is in the 30s.
What proof does the peach pie recipe make? I used moonshine of unknown proof.
I scrolled through the comments and it looks to be close to 30% alcohol based on some peoples’ figuring. I’ll have to see if I can really try to nail it down and update the post!
I have mixed up other mixtures from here before and my friends all believe they like this one the best. I did not add any sugar other than the syrup in the peaches.
That’s good to know! I may try that sometime:)
Making this recipe for the first time and ended up boiling down the juice and sugar to nearly half what it was when I started. It should have been simmered So I added another bottle of the juice to bring the volume back up. The mixture is so so sweet. I haven’t added the alcohol yet and am wondering if I should….?
So sorry for not responding sooner! If it is extremely sweet, then you may not want to add the alcohol and just start over.
Hoping for a response about having boiled my shine rather than simmer…… maybe this blog is no longer active
As long as you didn’t put the alcohol in it while boiling it, you’re fine. If it reduced a lot, you’ll want to probably add less alcohol
Happy to see a response, Thank you! I ended up adding more juice and No I did not add any alcohol until after the mixture had completely cooled. I wanted the cinnamon flavor to I simmered the juice with cinnamon sticks again, added it to the other juice mixture, cooled it down and added the liquor actually had to add more of each to help balance the sweetness. It is tasty, next time wll only be better
Oh good! I’m so glad it worked out for you. Which reminds me, I need to get to the store so I can make a few batches:)
Can I replace everclear with vodka?
Yes; however, the strength (proof) of the finished product will be far lower.
Amazing recipe! Love it!
How quickly can this be served and still taste great?
You can drink it as soon as it cools; however, I like to wait until the next day when the flavors can marry together a bit more.
Can they be left out or need to be kept in refrigerator?
You can do either. If storing it at room temp, I store it in a cabinet.
Need clarification on whether this needs to be refrigerated. Thanks so much.
No, it does not:)
I just made some with some vanilla peaches I had bought and man o man is it good! Strong but good! I got 8 pints and 3 quarts out of it. Taking this to my class reunion in Wyoming next weekend!
Could you subsitute vodka for everclear?
You certainly could! The strength will not be as high as with ever clear, but it will definitely work.
Does this have to be stored in a refrigerator after being made?
No. You can refrigerate it if you prefer it cold, but it’s not necessary.
For all of you who use everclear!!!!!!stop calling it moonshine..because it isn’t…real moonshine is made in the back woods using a still and mash..take the time and do it right don’t use rock but off the shelf store bought whiskey and call it moonshine
I made this & my family loves it
Well, I Just finished making a batch… Looks and smells awesome. I followed the directions… Did not deviate from the recipe. Lets see what it taste like in a couple month… Thank you for posting.
Have you tried making this with white grape peach concentrate? If so how much would you recommend, 3 cans?
I haven’t. I’ve only made it with the bottled juice. As long as the concentrate you make equals out to the bottled juice, you should be fine.
Katie I would like to use fresh Georgia peaches for this recipe. Should I replace the syrup with something else to substitute the sugar?
Thank you
I think you would be fine with just using the peaches:)
What is the ABV or proof of the everclear that you use? I’m trying to figure out the ABV of the moonshine since the stores near me do not sell the higher proofs. So I want to see if I need to put in more to get it the right zing.
Hi Thomas,
The kind I buy is 190 proof. There are weaker strengths as well, just depending on where you live.
Does this have to sit for weeks after it’s made before you can enjoy it?
Not at all! You can definitely drink it right away (once it’s cooled). The flavor is a bit better if you wait at least a day later, though:)
Do you have to use the peach schnapps?
Not if you’d prefer not to:)
I made this and my son said it was really goid but he said it wasnt strong enough. Should i add another bottle of everclear and hold back on some of the juice?
Hi Jackie,
You can make it as strong as you like by just adding a bit more ever clear. Just be careful! It will sneak up on you;)
This actually sits much closer to 16% alcohol as your recipe reads.. given could be a little higher/lower depending on how strong your peach schnapps is (seen you used 190 for everclear). for the schnapps I just used an average common schnapps brand with their alcohol percentage.
Hey so this sounds amazing and I wana make it but I’m in canada and have no idea what everclear is.. can it be substituted with something and still get a similar end result???
I’m not sure what an equivalent to Everclear would be in Canada. Everclear is 190 proof (95%) alcohol. If you can find something with a proof similar to that, then that would work.
I finally entered this in the local County Fair this year and it took First Place. It is officially Award Winning! Thank you Katie!