Hey everyone! I’ve got a crazy simple 5 minute fix to share with you all today. A couple of weeks ago, I was browsing through the office aisle at Target and noticed they had this pretty little desk globe. I’ve been wanting a globe for a while, and I thought that it would be fun to get one for my boys’ new desk space. At $14.99, I couldn’t really beat the price. The only thing that made me hesitant was the color. I loved the gold, but it didn’t fit in with the rest of the desk. I bought it anyway, thinking I’d just see how I felt when I got it home.
At first I thought about spray painting the globe stand, but I couldn’t get it to come apart. At least not without the risk of breaking the whole thing in half.
Then my little friend Rub ‘n Buff saved the day! I bought a tube of it in silver leaf in hopes that it would be at least close to the color of the desk organizer that I made.
There’s a few ways you can apply Rub ‘n Buff, but I chose to just use my finger. It washes off pretty easily with soap and water. I just rubbed it evenly over every surface that I wanted silver and let it dry.
I was done in about 5 minutes! Some areas were a little hard to get into with just my finger, so I grabbed a Q-tip for those spots.
The new look of this little globe is perfect for my boys’ desk. They love it too! It’s fun for them to search around for different countries and continents. Especially when we have friends on the other side of the world and they can see where they are compared to home.
Need more inspiration?
Here are a few quick fixes for home decor that my ever so talented fellow bloggers have done in their own homes! I love seeing all of their different ideas and how amazing the “after” look is!
Rolling Metal Storage Bin in 5 Minutes
Dollar Store Spray Painted Mirrors
Layering Canvas Art for Bigger Impact
Linking up at these parties:
How permanent is the Rub ‘n Buff? Would it hold up on door hardward?
That is a great question. It feels pretty permanent. It’s basically pigmented wax.
How permanent is the Rub ‘n Buff? Would it hold up on door hardware?
The globe looks great in silver! I haven’t Rub n Buffed anything in a while, but now you have me itching to transform something! Thanks for linking up at The Creative Circle!
Angela, Blue i Styleq recently posted…{decorating with style} It’s Almost One Room Challenge Time Again!
Thanks Angela!