It’s hard to believe that it’s back to school time once again! My boys started back to school last Wednesday and I am definitely loving the ability to get more work done, while they’re loving the fact that they’re back at school with their friends.
A few years ago, I made up a quick little chalkboard sign for them to hold on their first day of school. It’s something they’ve done for the past three school years and it is so neat to watch them grow. I can only imagine how little the sign will look when they’re seniors in high school. Although, to be honest, I’ll probably be that mom who makes them hold it for college too;)
It wasn’t until I made this collage that I realized that my oldest son has worn a red shirt on his first day of school for the past three years. How funny! Maybe we’ll have to keep this tradition alive;) My little guy probably would have unknowingly kept the blue shirt streak alive, except that I finally bought him some white uniform shirts this year and he was so excited to wear a white shirt for once. I’m sure all of you moms can relate to the lack of white clothes for boys.
This sign is seriously easy to make. I found this 8×10 inch chalkboard at Walmart for a little over $2. The rulers were found at target and are $.31 each. I found the wooden apple at Michael’s for about $.50.
Grab some needle nosed pliers and pull the metal band out of the rulers. It comes out with very little effort, so you may not even need the pliers.
I marked the rulers where I wanted to cut them to fit them over the chalkboard frame. Then I used a coping saw to cut them to size. Any saw will do, You could probably even score them with a box cutter or craft knife and then snap the end off. You’d just have to be really careful not to cut yourself and possibly have to sand the ends when you’re done.
I used hot glue to attach the rulers to the frame.
Then I hot glued the apple to the corner. This project is so simple that you could seriously complete it in about 10 minutes. Cutting the rulers is the longest part.
Then you’re left with a cute and simple sign that you can use year after year. It also makes a cute back to school gift for teachers to hang on their doors. Just run some twine through the ruler holes at the top before you glue them down!
Have your little ones started back to school yet? Or are yours lucky enough to start in September when the weather is a bit cooler? If yours have already started, just pin for later and you can make this next year! Or use it for the last day of school:)
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I am a retired teacher so I love “school stuff.” I enjoy looking at posts on Facebook on the opening days of schools where mothers post their children going to school. Many hold up signs that have the grade they are in. This is one of the cutest and seems so easy to make.
Thank you, Eva:) It is definitely super easy. Plus I love not having to worry about making up a new one each year!
This is so cute!
Jessica recently posted…Neat & Tidy Command Center
So happy I came across this DIY back to school sign. Way to go Mom!!!!!